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    Jatin Yadav
    Sep 28, 2020, 10:41:19 AM |

    I think we should make ourself more immune to fight against coronavirus, If we just run away from getting infected with corona virus it will not work. We have make our immune system as strong as it can fight corona virus and then our body automatically develop the antibodies to fight against corona virus.

    So eat good, exercise daily have fun, don't afraid of corona virus. It is not as dangerous as it is projected to be, its overrated.

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    Yogesh Srivastava
    Sep 29, 2020, 7:12:00 AM |

    Coronavirus have high mutation rate, mostly adenine (A) and thymine (T) nucleotides are mutated in the sequence to other nucleotide, mostly this is single letter alteration between viruses, it can differ from individual to individual. It is already contagious from several reports. To handle more contagious situation people should be aware of social distancing rule as this infect through respiratory system. We should wear surgical grade masks, should sanitized hands before touching eyes, nose, mouth. As infection of this virus leaves too many bad impact on human body, so we should consider taking more precautions; like eating healthy foods, soups (protein rich and easy to digest food). This virus could be the future for human race and have impact on humans time to time in every season, so its important to get healthy schedule for life to keep ourself safe from the infection, proper scheduled exercise for everyday to retain stamina, heathy food after proper washing, routine cleaning of hands, nose, mouth and body, proper check up for fever, cough and oxygen level in the body is important. Any of virus infection is not a child play, so be careful for any of fluctuation in heath condition and prefer to do proper check-up each time. Life is precious and we should value life.


    Best Regards


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